As mentioned earlier, potions are one-use items. When consumed, they bestow effects upon the recipient. Their effects can range from minor healing, to raising an attribute permanently.
You may posses only eight potions at one time. If you already possess eight potions when a treasure pile contains an potion, you will not be awarded that potion. It is best to always leave one empty slot for another potion.
Elixir of Strength
This valuable elixir will permanently raise your strength by one point. Especially valuable when your strength reaches 15 or more.
Elixir of Intelligence
This valuable elixir will permanently raise your intelligence by one point. Especially valuable when your intelligence reaches 15 or more.
Elixir of Dexterity
Like the other elixirs, this potion will permanently raise your dexterity by one point. Remember, bonuses apply when your dexterity reaches 15 or more.
Elixir of Endurance
This valuable elixir will permanently raise your endurance by one point. Especially valuable when your endurance reaches 15 or more.
Potion of Healing
This potion provides minor healing for your character. The amount of points healed is random, but is enough to provide a boost to low level characters.
Potion of Extra-Healing
This potion is like the Potion of Healing, except it restores more hit points. Again, the amount of hit points restored is random.
Potion of Neutralize Poison
Some creatures can inject poison into your character with a single hit in combat. When this occurs, this potion is great to have around. It completely removes poison from your blood stream, making your character well again.